There are many carpet cleaning health benefits and why hiring a professional carpet cleaning company and carpet steam cleaning services will offer a multitude of health benefits to you, your family, children and household pets.

Carpets tend to be a breathing ground for dirt and grime making breathing problems like asthma result of dirty carpets in your home.
Home carpets also house allergens, insects, mold and harmful bacteria making your home unhealthy for your lungs and skin.

To maintain a healthy carpet on your home It is recommended to vacuum at least twice a week in order to at least maintain your carpets health and longevity however, in order to remove the harmful particles such as dirt, grime, insects, bacteria etc. from your carpets, this author recommends you hire a professional Reno carpet cleaning service like every (6) six months to cons=duct a deep clean carpet cleaning or steam clean carpet cleaning treatment in your home and especially if you have children and or pets.

Besides the benefits you will notice with a professional carpet cleaning service maintaining the health, wellness and longevity of your carpets; You also get many important health benefits.

Allergen Removal
Professional carpet cleaning provides household carpets with a deep clean carpet process, which removes the pollutants that normal vacuuming cannot find or remove from your carpet fibers. There are also dust particles, allergens, insects such as cockroaches, mites, humidity, grease and dirt that pollutes your carpets, rugs and welcome mats. Not taking action with a deep clean professional carpet cleaning procedure may generate potential serious health risks in your household that could have been potentially avoided.

This author with hopes this article served to be educational and as a learning tool representing the many benefits as to why to have your carpet cleaned and your carpets steam cleaned during the winter months.

• Your carpets improve the quality of the air you breathe.
• Your carpets dry faster during the winter months.
• Your carpets typically are cleaned at discounted rates during the winter months.

For a free carpet cleaning quote for the Reno Nevada area and its’ surrounding communities, contact us today! 775.852.6937 or visit us at